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Proceso 1147
June 1, 2005
ISSN 0259-9864





Editorial: An analysis of the first year with Saca

Politics: A first glorious year?

Economy: Saca’s first year of economic administration

Economy: The reactivation of the economy and the evolution of the prices.




An analysis of the first year with Saca


President Saca has completed his first year at the head of the Executive power. If back when he pronounced his inauguration speech and when he announced his social plan he needed to act prudently, now it is necessary to look at the President without any condescension at all. Even if a year is not enough to see substantial results connected with the most critical issues of the Salvadoran society, it is enough time indeed to define the governmental master plan for the rest of his administration period.

About the style of the Saca administration it is necessary to say that his first year at the head of the Executive power has been widely covered by the media. The President has been a marketing product in this sense: his constant presence in the news media, many interviews, many pictures, a lot of smiling… Practically everything was arranged for Saca to look his best before the cameras. The most important news media –some more than others- were part of this game of images and advertising. The President, of course, was into character, doing what he knows best: to strike a pose before the cameras, to display a friendly smile, and to say what everyone likes to hear. Certainly, to judge by the sympathy that he awakens inside a considerable portion of the population, it could be said that his performance as a media personality has been more than successful.

However, not everything has been about smiling and about being kind during this first year. His populist side has come along with an authoritarian face that sometimes has even reminded us about the worst moments of the Flores administration. The Saca style has created a dangerous combination of populism and authoritarianism that, if this remains the same for the next four years, it will become one more obstacle for the development of democracy in El Salvador.

The problem is that President Saca adopts a populist attitude not only when he plays a friendly character, but also when he leads a project to fight against poverty with economic aid granted by the State to the families that live in extreme poverty. Being kind is not bad, it is a good thing to offer direct and immediate help to those in need. However, being kind does not improve the President’s performance, and to help the poor does not resolve the problem of poverty in the long-term. Populism is a way to govern a country, a process that creates connections and political loyalties through a mechanism of assistance, subsidies, or privileges for certain sectors of the society. President Saca has a populist charm that, without creating a wave with the masses -as it has been the case with the traditional populism- has seduced a considerable part of the Salvadorans that have placed all of their hopes in his hands.

However, populism is not all –that is, the kinder side of the President-, since he himself has conducted his administration with a clear authoritarian component, as it has usually happened in other occasions with populism. To begin with, it is necessary to discuss the starring role played by the President: just like in the Flores administration, everything seems to revolve around the decisions and the persona of Saca, as if he were the lord and the master of the country’s destiny. This perspective, has turned into a considerable number of authoritarian decisions –just like the tax reform, the promotion of Francisco Flores as the candidate for the General Secretariat of the OAS, or the authorization granted for the presence of the Salvadoran troops in Iraq– a problem that has a considerable number of consequences in the social and in the political field.

It is difficult to be populist without being arrogant and without playing a starring role in the political scene. The Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez, is, perhaps, at present, an extreme example of this. Francisco Flores was arrogant and not populist at all because he has no charisma, and it never occurred to him that it was necessary to offer food to the poor instead of a nauseating dose of oriental wisdom. Saca, saving the distances, is closer to Chávez and far away from Flores. The arrogance of Flores is just a bad memory shadowed by the charm that Saca portrays through the media, as well as by his widely advertised commitment with the poorest sectors of the country.

Up to this point, Saca has succeed, and if his first administration year will be judged by how he has combined populism and authoritarianism –being discreet at mixing this formula- there is nothing more to ask of him. The point is that people have to demand more from Saca, and, in this sense, he has to be judged with a different criteria. For instance, it is necessary to evaluate his performance through aspects such as the way he has fulfilled his commitment with the social priorities. And, form this perspective, this is not a pretty picture for Saca. Up to this point, that commitment has not been guided by any relevant public policies, that is, by public policies aimed to turn the social factor into the main concern of the government.

Regardless of the amount of publicity given to this administration’s social plan, and to the assistance plans that would be implemented by the government in different social sectors, the economic aspect was, during the first year, Saca’s actual priority. The priority was the interests of a segment of the business elite that saw its companies grow under the protection of the government. All of their investments and their banking transactions grew. The Saca administration has put the cards on the table when it comes to take advantage of this sector. However, the transformations are intended to work with a lukewarm tax reform that only scratches those interests, and that rests over the frustrated and the indebted average sectors. The social aspects will never be a priority while the Saca administration is content with the “business-social responsibilities”. The social aspect will barely become a dish on the side of an economic logic followed by the ARENA administrations –including Saca’s-, something that they already consider a solid factor of the party.




A first glorious year?


Before the information that the opinion polls will reveal about what the Salvadorans think of the governmental performance of Saca, the reader should have an idea about the turn that national political events will take the on the next months. In the mean time, the President and his team savor the approval –a bit upsetting, given the critical nature of the problems that the same opinion polls reveal as well- of the population. On the other hand, the opposition is trying to unveil, thinking about its own survival opportunities, the most controversial issues.

The different interpretations of the opinion polls.
For this case, in the line of the political antagonism between the official power and the opposition, there have been different interpretations about the opinion poll conducted by the UCA. The most emblematic defenders of the line followed by ARENA repeat, ad nauseam, that the President has done a fabulous job during his first year. “The achievements of the government have been a positive factor for the first year of the Saca administration –published an editorialist of El Diario de Hoy-, a presidency that has stood out because of the way it projects itself to the people, its legitimate effort to get closer to all of the sectors, and its undying energy. The electoral promise, to work for the country and its development, is being fulfilled. Now it is the time to keep heading in the same direction and create proposals that allow the country to do many things with the small amount of resources that a poor country has”. The way things are going, no miracles should be expected, especially no economic miracles because this is a poor country that does not have much to give to its children.

The thoughts of the editorialist from La Prensa Gráfica follow the same line as El Diario de Hoy. Commenting on the basically positive evaluation received by the Saca administration, it mentioned that “these high percentages must be seen, in the first place, as a successful answer to the administration style of Tony Saca. Politics is a science, but to administrate a country is an a form of art. It is mostly about being sensitive, and not much about having a technique. In that sense, Tony Saca is a natural communicator, and that allows him to establish an immediate connection with the average citizen. And that is the foundation of a flowing relationship, a relationship that grows with confidence among the population”.

The detractors of the President indeed place their comments precisely in this point of the allegedly close relationship that he keeps with the population. Some people are talking about a shameless manipulation tactic to deal with the public opinion. In more than one occasion, the political activism of Saca resembles itself to a continuous propaganda strategy of a government concerned with communicating its good intentions that cares less about solving the specific problems that worry the population. The evaluation of the FMLN about the first year of the Saca administration analyzes this specific aspect. In a space paid to the press, those responsible for the left-wing party published the unfulfilled promises made by the President, and they call him a liar for using unfounded propaganda, a propaganda that is far away from the economic reality of the Salvadorans.

In reference to this, another voice of La Prensa Grafica that intends to be fair and rational, clarifies the perspective of the opposition. According to this position, the good results and the merit of President Saca, "is not just the result of the advertising strategies of his administration. In these times, there cannot be such an effective publicity or so many people willing to be manipulated, as to generate such high levels of acceptance if everything were as bad as some people insist on putting it. It is true that the country has serious problems, but most people understand that it would be absurd to expect magical transformations or to give a government more responsibilities than it already has because of the results or because of the persistence of the problems".

A considerable portion of the favorable opinions about Saca seems to belong to the line of the previous commentary. In spite of all the adversities, the Salvadorans give the benefit of the doubt to the team of the present administration. The serious social and economic problems, many times indicated by the citizens, do not prevent them from feeling a certain sympathy for the President and endorsing the ineffective policies of the right wing.

In the political field, the Salvadorans also believe in the efforts of the President to get closer to the opposition. In this aspect, the presidential team indicates that "one of the features of the Saca administration is a philosophy that intends to search for consensus, for approaches, to create spaces of discussion, and to promote good will, in order to create the conditions for governance, social harmony, peace and opportunities to improve the life of the people".

There are different interpretations about the governmental action and about the appreciation of the citizens concerning the information revealed by the opinion polls. In any case, it would be convenient to underline that the opinion polls are nothing more than that, a scientific effort to approach the way in which each Salvadoran evaluates the performance of the people that represent the country. However, what is the point of the evaluation made by the Salvadorans about the governmental performance? Is it true that the population has been manipulated with a dishonest intention? Or is it that the overwhelming support in favor of Saca is a sign of the deficient performance of the opposition?

The other face of the national politics
No one should be surprised by the fact that Saca has done everything he can during his first year to gain the support of the Salvadorans and, at the same time, to win the political race against the opposition. No one has to paid much attention to this issue either. This is one of the elements that make the democratic version of politics more exciting. What seems to be important, according to the experts, is if the competition occurs in fair conditions and if the opponents are able to freely express themselves.

With these two elements that allow to examine the performance of the democratic regime, it is necessary to say that Saca counts with many advantages. He does not only count with all of the institutional weight of the State and the money of the Salvadorans for "doing his job", the most important news media have also supported and pampered “their” Mr. President. This means that any attempt to evaluate the President must get started by underlining those elements.

In addition, the opponents have not had anything on their side to pronounce themselves against the government. The press, as well as the State’s apparatuses of coercion, have both supported the cause of ARENA. In reference to the behavior of the press, it cannot be said that this has been a specific decision of the President. The identification of the most important mass media with the interests defended by ARENA is a decision that goes beyond the existence of Saca. However, about the use of the institutions of the State, such as the National Civilian Police (PNC, in Spanish) and the Organism of Intelligence of the State (OIE), President Saca is fully responsible for the control of the opponents. During this first year in the government, his ministers of Internal Affairs and Security stood out for using these institutions in a perverse manner against the opposition.

In this sense, during his first year, Saca has not contributed to improve the democratic character of the institutions in El Salvador. No matter how much his apologists strive to present him as a negotiator and as a man of peace, the President has actually reproduced the worse vices that defined the style of his predecessor. Those who think that his declarations of good will are enough to deal with the opposition, forget that in the political game actions speak louder than words.

In this line, the pact that Saca made with the National Conciliation Party (PCN, in Spanish) through which the PCN managed to avoid its cancellation according to the established terms of the electoral law and that, in addition, took control of a position in the Electoral Supreme Court (TSE), is a pact that proves the little respect this administration has for the rules of a democratic coexistence. In addition, as a result of this decision, it had to take one step further in the line of domestication of the Supreme Court of Justice, because this institution’s representatives -although, in the case of the cancellation of the parties that did not reach the required legal percentage of votes, a magistrate saved her vote against the legal monstrosity that was taking place-, participated without problems to approve of the political decision of ARENA.

Saca did not help either to put the political debate at the height of the circumstances as he once promised. The discussion groups, according to the less combative opponents, have not worked out. The most important political decisions of the President were not discussed. Neither the fiscal reform nor the approval of the Free Trade Agreement (TLC, in Spanish) with the United States have been discussed by its members. That is why it has been more like an opportunity to display governmental propaganda, as it proves the special publication resented in the newspapers about the report of the first year of the Saca administration, which includes a photograph with the leaders of the main party of the opposition.

Before this panorama, however, the question about the sense of the support to this administration remains unanswered. The speech and the declarations of good will made by Saca seem even more relevant due to the incapacity of the opposition. While the members of these parties do not offer a coherent strategy to face the populist demagoguery of the right wing, they will hardly be able to resist the attack of the Presidential House displayed in the media. On the other hand, the public opinion is being manipulated. Those who wonder if the public opinion can actually be so easily manipulated, would have to pay attention to the fact that more than 44% of those interviewed think that the level of approval that the President has is due to the propaganda in the media.

After this first year, in the up-coming pre-electoral conjunction, it is very probable that Saca keeps offering more of the same. There are many incentives for that, and the popular approval that this administration boasts about is, without a doubt, the main incentive. In that sense, if anything new can be expected from the political life, it would have to come from the opposition. Otherwise, the next year will reveal, perhaps through different facts, that an authoritarian populism, made up with a spectacular media strategy, once again defined the national political life.




Saca’s first year of economic administration


The results of the opinion polls to evaluate the first year of the Saca administration indicate that, in general terms, it has managed to keep a good image between most Salvadorans. However, the surveys also show the discontent of the population, due to the difficult economic situation of the country. In this sense, the surveys present a vote in favor of the President, but, at the same time, they reveal the country’s bad economic situation. In the beginning of his first year, Saca faced a critical economic situation inherited from the Flores administration. At the time, the country had a low level of private investment, a slow economic growth, a high indebtedness level in the Central Government, a high level of commercial deficit, and the prices of petroleum were increasing. All these elements shaped the scene of the country in which, day after day, the Salvadorans kept losing their purchasing power. When Saca became President, a series of economic measures were implemented with the purpose of reactivating the economy, facing the debts of the State, and palliating the deteriorated economic situation of the Salvadorans. The most important economic measures impelled by the new President were the tax reform, the antipoverty plan, and the bet for the Free Trade Agreement between Central America, the U.S.A. and the Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR).

The tax reform
Saca inherited from the last administration the growth of the breach between the expenses and the income of the State. In only five years, former President Flores led the country to a situation of fiscal deficit that the different risk rating international companies warned the people about. In an economic model based on the investments, the parallel presence of the fiscal deficit discouraged the private investment. In order to try to close that breach, the new President announced a tax reform to collect more money in taxes. For the President, the measurement did not contemplate the increase of the tax rates, instead, it was focused on fighting the fiscal evasion at all costs.

During the Flores administration, the increasing breach between the expenses and the income of the State led the government to finance the deficit with loans that would come from abroad. In other words, the increasing fiscal deficit had certain repercussions in the state of the international indebtedness. By 2004, the situation was already a delicate issue. The external debt reached the maximum level established by the International Monetary Fund (the IMF): $5,992 million, equivalent to 38.1% of the GNP.

In 2005, the fiscal reform announced back in 2004 was implemented. The goal of the reform was to reduce the imbalance between the expenses and the income of the State. In addition, a higher revenue level would have to be transformed into a better social policy for the Salvadorans that live with limited resources. During the implementation of this measure there was a series of interests in conflict in the private sector. For the businessmen, the measure could intensify the country’s cycle of low economic performance. Some sectors -especially the micro and small companies- looked at a dark perspective in the future, due to the new tax collection mechanisms.

After the implementation of the measure, it should be understood that the tax reform is nothing but a short-term solution. In order to face the increasing expenses of the State and the high level of the international debt it is necessary to have a much higher revenue level than the one that has been considered with a fiscal reform that only intends to expand the tax base. In addition, what the growth of a tributary base such as the present one does is to reinforce the regressive nature of the fiscal policy in the country.

This means that the present reform reinforces the existing tendency according to which the economic agents with an inferior level of income are those that contribute more with the State’s treasury. There will always be some companies that will have to pay more, but in relative terms, the highest amount of income of the State will come from the people with a smaller income level. Therefore, it is possible that a taxation structure such as the present one is able to intensify the social differences and, with it, deteriorate the economic conditions of many Salvadorans.

The Anti-Poverty Plan
Saca announced the creation of a program destined to fight against extreme poverty in the country. This program would include five areas: FOSALUD, “connect yourself” (a program aimed to young people), the Solidarity Net program, and a program of micro-credits.

With the FOSALUD they intended to provide four million people with medical assistance in the next few years. For the first year, the plan would count with $20 million. However, this plan has not been implemented yet, and this is because there are not enough funds to finance it. Another one of the programs that has been advertised through the media, but which has not come up with any results yet is the Solidarity Net Program. This program is about delivering subventions to the poorest 100 counties of the country. With this plan, they intend to distribute $50 million every year between the families that live in extreme poverty. This program, just like other measures announced by the President, has not been defined yet. Several public officials say that the plan is still trying to identify the geographic areas where it will be implemented by the government.

Another one of the features of the anti-poverty plan is the implementation of micro-credits aimed to create and develop micro-business companies in the country. With this measure the government intends that many Salvadorans are able to create their own micro-business company and have a steady source of income. They intend to give away $50 million each year in amounts that go from $100 to $300. Just like the Solidarity Net Program, this plan has not been implemented yet, and it is an evidence that proves that the government has not obtained any specific results when it comes to the economic matters that could favor the Salvadorans.

The measures such as the Solidarity Net Program and the micro-credit plan –very particular ways of public investment- are not a reality yet. According to the design of these plans, their results should be visible by the second year of the Saca administration. However, plans such as the FOSALUD should be already working out and fulfilling the promises made by the government.

One of the main objectives that the Executive Power has in the short-term is the existence of a commercial agreement with the United States. That is why the President has done everything he can to travel abroad and influence the decisions of the American Congress in favor of the agreement. The President presents the CAFTA as a great opportunity to increase the employment level, a higher level of investment and, as a consequence of this, a higher level of economic growth.

Lately, the President seems to be placing his bets on the Free Trade Agreement. However, differently from the speech he gave last year, how he is more cautious when it comes to discuss the possible results of the treaty. It is clear that the President sees the Free Trade Agreement as an important device for the economic performance of the country. He should not forget that the CAFTA could turn into a knife that cuts both ways, given the contrast between the efforts concentrated in the treaty and the very few results actually obtained. Everything seems to indicate that due to the high expectations created by the treaty, the Salvadoran government is still not using an independent or a systematic economic policy to improve the situation of the economy. There should be more efforts to adopt a systematic policy of productive transformations, and less expectations about the ratification of the CAFTA.

In this area of commercial policies, just like in the anti-poverty plan, no specific results have been accomplished yet. Such results would be evident if, once the agreement is ratified with the United States, the treaty becomes effective. However, as far as the economy is concerned, the situation is still critical.



The reactivation of the economy and the evolution of the prices.


In matters of economic growth, the most recent information revealed by the Central Bank of Reserve (BCR, in Spanish) shows a critical economic contraction. By March of 2005, the Volume Index of Economic Activity (IVAE, in Spanish) for the industrial, the commercial, and the construction sectors revealed a negative variation. Only the agricultural sector, the sources of electric energy, and the transportation business have increased their Index. The situation is so delicate that the financial sector –which usually reveals high growth rates- is now slightly stagnated. One of the reasons that the President gives to explain this situation is the long period of time taken to approve the General Budget of the Nation last year.

In matters of prices, the situation is equally delicate. Due to the increasing prices of petroleum in a world-wide scale, and most of all, due to the fact that the country lacks a national policy to face these increasing prices, the actual income level has been deteriorated. During the last week of August in 2004, The General Direction of Statistics and Census (DIGESTYC, in Spanish) reported a considerable increase on the prices of the basic food products. The prices of beans and corn were increased since May of the same year.

By the beginning of 2005, after the Christmas Holydays, several of the basic food products increased their prices. However, the government did not choose a specific policy to stop the fluctuation of the prices and said that this was due to a low level of supply in the local market. By April of 2005, the accumulated level of inflation was 2.1%, this is a high figure supposing that this is just the way that the prices increased during the first months of the year. If this tendency remains active, by the end of the year we could have an inflation level similar to the one of the last year.

A tax reform that reinforces a regressive fiscal policy, an anti-poverty plan, a free trade agreement with the United States (which seems to be a propaganda strategy more than a reality), and an economic stagnation along with a set on increasing prices, are elements that all together reveal that we have not managed to achieve any specific results in the economic matters.





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