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Proceso 1133
February 16, 2005
ISSN 0259-9864





Editorial: The Salvadoran notion of identity

Politics: The growing concern about governance

Economy: The tax reform: A disappointment for the investors?




The Salvadoran notion of identity


To define the concept of identity is not an easy task. The first thing that has to be done is to discard those essentialist visions, according to which the concept of identity is something immutable and something that can be caught with our own hands. Usually, identity is a dynamic and an ever changing process through which individuals permanently recreate the characteristics that identify them as part of a much wider social group. To have an identity is to feel part of a community, with certain patterns, options, and particular lifestyles. Each individual builds his identity from certain notions through which he nourishes his subjectivity. Obviously, Salvadorans are part of that situation. Their identity has been created and recreated through the implementation of that national community called El Salvador. Right now, in the context of an accelerated process of globalization, the identity of the Salvadorans is being redefined, not only because of the influence of the external cultural processes, but because of a group of cultural and symbolic notions that find in the mass media a platform to be publicly broadcasted.

To redefine the identity of the Salvadoran population does not mean that the traditional signs of the identity have to be eliminated, it means that many of them will remain as part of the new image that they are building in these times of political, cultural, and economic globalization. The local symbolic and cultural notions that the most important media have been working with since the nineties reveal several aspects that have been traditionally connected with the Salvadoran identity, along with other aspects that have to do with the new social and cultural circumstances. Let us see some of those notions.

In the political and the business areas, figures such as Wilfredo Salgado –the Mayor of San Miguel- and President Antonio Saca are presented as role models. By the way they have been portrayed by the media, both of them are, in their own style, successful businessmen and politicians. Both of them had humble beginnings, but their individual effort and sacrifices allowed them to have enough money to be respected and to aspire to occupy important public positions, through which they have been deservedly rewarded. It is true that one of them expresses himself better than the other one, that he is less rough and more polite. In one of them, morbidity, and a certain sarcastic air are spontaneous features; the other one seems to be sympathetic and kind. However –according to the media-, both of them are Salvadorans; both of them represent the best of what a Salvadoran citizen can give. Undoubtedly, the people would have to aspire to be like them, they are a role model.

The complement of both Salgado and Saca, as cultural notions promoted by the most important media, is Roberto d’Aubuisson, the former major that, alone –according to the recreation of the events made by the media- took charge of the titanic task of getting rid of the communists (the real and the alleged ones). d’Aubuisson was able to do what he did because of his courage and his bullet-proof manhood, because of his coldness, and his lack of feelings, which, in any case, an emotional conduct can only be tolerated in a woman.. Undoubtedly, the former major was, without a doubt, a macho, willing to challenge death, to risk it all, without any fears. He did not have money and he was not ambitious; however, he was respected by those who had money. How could not d’Aubuisson be a role model? Was he not a Salvadoran at heart? The attitude of a macho, virility, strength, the lack of compassion, and the absence of feelings… Are not all of these elements combined something necessary to get ahead in life and to create great projects, such as the one that the former major undertook in order to turn El Salvador into the grave of the communists?

However, the political an the business circles are not the only sources for the media to build the notion of identity for all Salvadorans. They do the same thing with religion; where some religious and conservative leaders are turned into moral and political role models; the business circles; making the public believe that the success of certain businessmen or companies is what guarantees the happiness of the population; the sports sector, where the conduct of certain sports figures is promoted as the ultimate positive behavior; and the circle of the media as well, where the presenters are portrayed as fashion icons with specific political preferences.

For instance, the media have always tried to turn Jorge Gonzalez into a role model for all Salvadorans. In order to do that, they have overestimated his skills as a soccer player: they have turned him into a genius, if not the greatest of them all, one that is indeed at the same level of Pele, Di Estefano, or Diego Maradona. Time and time and again, the media keep talking about how remarkable he is; the anecdotes of those who knew him in Spain are always about his extraordinary personality. This is a story about a genius that, in spite of his humble beginnings, managed to become successful in Spain, where he had it all –money, luxury, travels, recognition-. However, the media tell us that, in order to have that world at his feet he had to change, he had to stop being himself, he had to forget about his lack of discipline, his hectic lifestyle, his partying… An it is clear that Gonzales did not do that, because in addition to his genius, he is an authentic person. It was either his authenticity or his success. He chose to be himself and he had to return to El Salvador in order to live with his authenticity, without the pressure and the discipline he had to deal with if he wanted to be part of that false world of first level international sports.

They encourage the characteristics of role models such as Wilfredo Salgado, Antonio Saca, Jorge Gonzalez, or d’Aubuisson; and virility, ambition, abuse, and manipulation as the key factors for success, along with conformism, lack of effort, and indiscipline. These are contradictory notions that are internally connected. If there are Salvadorans that aspire to become someone like Wilfredo Salgado or Antonio Saca, there must be Salvadorans that also aspire to become someone like Jorge Gonzalez. The ambivalence of the Salvadoran population, the ambitions, and the contradictory attitudes that characterize them, can be explained, in part, by the existence of cultural notions like the ones formerly described.




The growing concern about governance


After the Peace Accords were signed, many thought that the national politics should flow through completely different streams, different from the ones that existed during the civil war. However, a while later, it was sadly concluded that the expected political understanding was not an easy task, despite the fact that the political actors had showed that they were willing to respect the agreement of putting an end to the war. Since then, the word “polarization” has been fashionable, and many fear that the country could go through a phase of weak governance, due to the considerable distance that separates the main political forces of the country.

In this context there is also the internal discussion about governance itself. “The concern about the democratic governance –indicates an expert of the PNUD- has been present in El Salvador throughout the nineties. After the Peace Accords were signed, there was the need to come up with new accords. This situation created initiatives and pacts that, however, were not able to come true”.

This is how it became fashionable to talk about governance in El Salvador. Almost everyone talks about the need to improve governance. However, there is still a lot to do in order to reach a satisfactory agreement in the whole sense of the word, and about the specific recipes that should be applied in order to achieve a higher level of governance in the political system.

It should not seem completely odd if the dimension of both the “governance” and the “lack of governance” concepts has not been defined yet. Somehow, El Salvador is at the level of the rest of the Latin American countries that recently began to discuss the issue. Rene Antonio Mayorga sustains that “the scientific treatment of the problem of governance in Latin America is an incipient matter, and no one has reached an analytical or an operative concept that allows to make empirical and reliable studies about the different national experiences. The suppositions and the limitations of a concept about governance are not sufficiently defined, and its true meaning has not been tested in the empirical or the comparative field”.

In this context, the author himself sustains that different experts highlight conflicting aspects of the analysis about governance in the region. Some of them seem to believe that the most important feature is the administrative and the technical profile of the subject. For others, instead, it is more important to discuss the legitimacy, the basic social consensus, and the power of representation, in order to guarantee the existence of the democratic system. Others prefer to analyze the institutional designs that favor governance. In the Salvadoran case, not much has been discussed about it. Those who refer to governance usually believe in the importance of a consensus between the national politicians in order to come up with a solution to the most critical problems of the country.

During 2003 and 2004, several studies have been published about the importance of governance for the performance of the political system. Among them, there are the ones of the National Association of the Private Business Companies (ANEP, in Spanish) and the PNUD. Even if it is true that there are substantial differences between the way in which this analysis has reviewed the problem and the way that the ANEP refers to it, both perspectives indicate that the country is in a crossroad at this historical moment. They propose a sort of dialogue between the different politicians in order to legitimately confront the problem of governance.

However, at the same time, there are many things that no one mentions when it comes to talk about governance here in the country. In the first place, some people think that this is task exclusively connected with the politicians; or, in the worst of the cases, the opposition is blamed for the lack of governance. However, the concept of governance seems to be missing something more profound, something that involves many other actors. Most of the authors sustain that governance has to be understood from a multidimensional perspective, an aspect that includes the politicians and the civil society as well.

The discussion about governance is a new assignment in Political Sciences in general. This reality explains the fact that there is no unanimity between the authors about the full meaning of this word, and its theoretical and its practical dimensions.

The presentation of a group of works about this subject, published in the Central American Magazine of Culture, included in one of the articles that “just 20 years ago, the term and the notion of governance became part of the language used by the Political Sciences. Almost five years after –in the wide margin of its many meanings- the term was launched and popularized by the World’s Bank and the Inter-American Bank of Development with operative objectives: to use the financial assistance efficiently in order to reach a sustained growth. In this lapse, and particularly during the nineties, some have defined, in the frame of a crucial and a controversial discussion, different theoretical and political perspectives. Based in many cases in the empirical works about several subjects”. In this context, Alcantara Saez indicates that governance is “an elusive concept”.

The relation of the political sciences with the word governance has known several stages, and has gone through different levels. The first one of these levels has to do with the different analysis about the crisis of democracy. A series of neo-conservative authors explained the lack of governance as “the product of an overwhelming amount of demands to which the State responded with the expansion of its services and its intervention inevitably causing a fiscal crisis”. In the context of the crisis of the State of well-being some thought that the State should not intervene much in order to avoid raising false expectations.

For these authors, among which it is important to acknowledge the work of Crozier, Huntington and Watanuki, there are “four tendencies that create a dysfunction in the democratic system, which are:
1. The loss of legitimacy of the authorities, and the lack of trust in a leadership as a consequence of the prosecution of the democratic virtues of equality and individualism.
2. The enormous amount of work that the government has, due to the expansion of the political participation and the development of the governmental activities.
3. The lack of interest as a consequence of the intensification of the political race, which has led to the fragmentation of the political parties.
4. The increasing national parochial attitude in the field of international politics, given the pressure of the society. In the industrialized democratic countries, their vitality would have produced the same seeds for its own destruction, which would be “a considerable increase of the governmental activities, and an eventual reduction of the governmental authority”.

In other words, for these conservative authors, the endless list of demands of the unions –at this moment they were thinking about the crisis of the European democracies- promote the lack of governance. That is why Rene Antonio Mayorga sustains that, by reviewing the thesis of Watanuki and his colleagues, “at the time the notion of a lack of governance was introduced from a conservative perspective, in order to question the many functions of the State in the social and the economic fields, the growing demands of the unions in the context of the State of well-being and the negative aspects of democracy, which allegedly were an obstacle for governance in the democratic system”.

The second line of studies that approach governance, was formulated by conservative economists with the objective to demonstrate that the political dreams of the followers of Keynes were dangerous for the political democracy. This source of thought indicates that “democracy is under great pressure, and it can cause a fast process of inflation when the governments are confronted by the unions, by the voters that consider the State as a plunder with an everlasting source of services”.

The third line of analysis, instead, which comes from a neo-Marxist source, being the leading figures O’Connor and Habermas, studies the crisis that the Capitalist societies of our days have to face. In other words, the crisis of governance would be the effect of either the contradictions of an advanced Capitalism in a democratic system (O’Connor) or the legitimacy crisis (Habermas). “The liberal democratic State –indicates Alcantara considering both thesis- adopts several policies and tactics in order to protect its own legitimacy and the one of the social order developing assistance services for that reason. The final situation leads this legitimacy system to a process that creates fiscal crisis, conflicts among different types of workers according to their branch of production, regional conflicts, and ethnic conflicts as well”.

That is why in spite of the different perspectives about the problems of governance, it is necessary to find an operative definition that allows to get closer to the conflict. In order to use a definition prepared by Camou, we could think about a dynamic state of equilibrium between the social demands and the capacity that the government has to respond to such demands. This conception of governance demands the collaboration of all, citizens and responsible public officials from the governmental institutions in order to promote the good performance of a political system. An overwhelming amount of demands and the incapacity to fulfill them become a danger for the stability of a country. That is why it is necessary to find a dynamic equilibrium between social and political sectors, speaking about governance. On the other hand, the former definition has three basic elements connected with the efficiency, the legitimacy, and the stability of the political systems.

In the first place, governance demands governmental efficiency. In this case it is important to see the capacity that the political systems have to reach certain pre-established objectives. In this sense, it is expected that the decisions of the of the governments find a wide range of social acceptance. According to the acceptance level, it is possible to speak about of a higher or a lower degree of governance.

The second element present in this definition is that governance involves the legitimacy of the governments. In other words, this is where an emphasis is placed on the quality of the governmental action: for instance, exclusion, and other social issues that are left behind, among other things, could be a threat for governance. In the third place, the definition of Camou has as a background the idea of the stability of the political systems. We are talking about the capacity of adaptation, the flexibility that the institutions have to face the different challenges that they have to respond to.




The tax reform: A disappointment for the investors?


The tax reform promoted by the Executive power has generated different reactions in the world of business. Some sectors of the private business companies, for instance, have stated that they are unhappy with this measure. For the most important business associations it is necessary to raise the revenue level. However, this must be accomplished through efficient institutional mechanisms, because inefficiency could debilitate the actions of the business companies.

By the end of last week, several business associations presented a package of reforms aimed to transform several aspects of the new tax law. The government, through the Ministry of Hacienda (Internal Revenue Service), admitted that there are some formalities that have to change in order to make the procedures to fill and present the tax applications more efficient, and, in addition, not to affect the operations of the business companies.

One of the regulations that could affect the development of the investments would be to request a fiscal solvency in order to follow banking procedures, especially when it comes to request a loan to the government. The business associations think that such regulation can only be applied to the loans that go beyond $15,000. They do not agree either with the fact that the DUI and the NIT are requested for the commercial transactions (an exception when the final purchase goes beyond $600). One of the most delicate aspects is the presentation of the income tax application and the rest of the financial states to request a credit line. To give this information away could be against the privacy of the business companies’ owners.

For now, everything seems to indicate that some changes will be made indeed. Just like the Minister of Hacienda stated, Guillermo Lopez Suarez, the transformations are just cosmetic adjustments, indicating that the nature of the tax reform will not change at all.

The position of FUSADES
Last week FUSADES presented a report on the economic conjunction, which evaluated the performance of the economy during the last trimester of 2004. In this report, a series of problems stand, which affected the performance of last year’s economic operations. Among them, there was the electoral uncertainty, the delayed approval of the budget, and the increasing prices of petroleum. For 2005, in general terms, the expectations are positive because everything seems to indicate that the level of investments will increase. Nevertheless, there will be certain impediments to reach the goals of the fiscal reform promoted by the government.

According to FUSADES, one of the most crucial economic problems is the increase of the public sector’s debt. In a dollarized economy, it is necessary that the public finances remain "healthy", in order to guarantee the stability of the foreign investments. In order to attack the problem of the debt, last year the State promoted the fiscal reform. But the intention to expand the revenue’s base through that method could somehow restrain the investments and intensify the economic stagnation.

In that sense, it could be counter-productive for the government to impel a fiscal reform that can restrain the level of investment. But it is also necessary to increase the revenue level to resolve the state of the public finances, since they are constantly reviewed by the international risk-rating companies at the time of issuing an evaluation on the credibility for the foreign investment in the country.

The business companies’ associations before the presence of the reform
The National Association of the Private Business Companies (ANEP, in Spanish), since the beginning, seemed worried about some of the measures contemplated in this reform, and this happened because several of them were affecting both the national and the international competitiveness of the companies. For the business elite, one of the main concerns has to do with the income tax patrimonial statement. According to the association, the regulation could stimulate illicit activities. In the declaration of the patrimony, the contributor would enumerate all the assets, liabilities and properties.

The executive director of the ANEP, Raul Melara, indicated that the figure of the patrimonial declaration could create problems, mainly security issues, because that inform would have to go through several filters in the Ministry of Hacienda, and can urge certain people to commit a criminal action: "for example, if you declare that you have three houses or three cars, that could increase the chances of kidnapping, which although it already has been eliminated, it could have a perverse incentive concerning this measure", he indicated.

According to the association, there already are mechanisms to detect when the purchases made by a person exceed the amount of assets he is declaring, that is why this new disposition would create a duplicity of efforts, and would put the contributor in danger.

Another reform that troubles the businessmen is one that intends to apply the IVA to the interests of the credits that are not issued by a bank, since that could have an adverse effect, contrary to what Hacienda actually wants. According to the government, to charge the IVA is a good option that will allow to formalize the status of the independent moneylenders. Nevertheless, ANEP thinks that it will also cause the loss of clients, because the average user, instead of looking for a credit with a commercial company, will go to another source that might be inexpensive for him.

The discretionary status that will be given to Hacienda when the resources are presented before the Main Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII, in Spanish) is also an object of preoccupation for the association. The reform indicates that there will not be terms of resolution for some of the resources that will be given to the DGII. That, according to the ANEP, gives a discretionary status to Hacienda. "The reform must also be applied within the Ministry of Hacienda so that it becomes more effective, because by not establishing a term to solve the case, the dream of the fair ones will just remain a dream", Melara indicated.

In spite of all those disadvantages, the ANEP assured that it would see the tributary reform from a positive perspective as long as it works to fight back against contraband and fiscal evasion. "We are conscious of the need to fulfill many aspects connected with social matters and with the investments, but we did not share the idea to increase the Value Added Tax (IVA, in Spanish) nor the income taxes. We believe that many things can be accomplished by expanding the dimensions of the foundation of taxes", indicated the director of the association.

Nevertheless, the information about the Ministry of Hacienda that was presented to the ANEP indicated that, for several reasons, annually the State’s Treasury does not receive $660 million because of different reasons; to collect this amount is equivalent to what would be received if the IVA were increased from 13% to 21%. This would obviously affect the State’s Revenue.

On the other hand, the financial sector also seems unhappy. The Salvadoran Banking Association (ABANSA, in Spanish), protested about the fact that certain fiscal reforms were made exclusively for the financial sector. In the opinion of the institution, with the approved dispositions the banking system would lose its competitiveness at a regional level and would have to focus its attention only on the national market.

The most critical reform for the bankers is the one connected to the disposition to tax the income that comes from the loans granted by the Salvadoran banks established abroad, since with this measure this system is in a disadvantageous position before the credit offered by other organizations of the area: "We would stop being competitive in the region, because while the Salvadoran banking system pays 25% in income taxes, the banks of each competing nation do not pay that amount", indicated Claudio de Rosa, the executive director of ABANSA.

Some of the measures that concern the bankers are the following: the taxes on the income that comes from the credits that were granted abroad; the presentation of balances, and the declaration of the income taxes to request a credit; the possibility to give financial information to Hacienda, without naming a special inspector; the tax on the contingency reserves, even when there are losses; and the offer of daily information on all the operations made through credit or debit cards.

It is possible to wonder if what the private business companies and the banking system are looking for is to protect its interests and influence the decision of the government. Nevertheless, in order to know the impact of the fiscal reform it will be necessary to analyze its effects in the short and the long term on the companies and on the independent professionals.

In this context, it is evident that the government faces "the end of certain possibilities". An inefficient administration of the public finances during the Flores administration has taken away a portion of the strength of the present government to make some public policies. This way, the need to increase the budget of the State in the social area, the stability of the public finances, and the search of a higher economic growth seem to be isolated.

It is important to improve the dynamism of the economy by increasing both the national and foreign investment level. But, how will these variables behave if they are discouraged by some aspects of the tax reform? How will they approach the problem of indebtedness in the long term?

The answer to this question will determine in the future the risk-rating level of the country, something that, after all, is also a fundamental element to determine the level of foreign investment. It is important to connect the growth of the public expense level with the increase of the private investment level and the fiscal stability. How to achieve these goals at the same time? Without a doubt, with one tax reform that does not stagnate the economy, a reform able to increase the social investment.

Could it be that the government is paying for the absence of a monetary policy? According to the traditional economic theory, the search of several objectives must be connected to the amount of instruments that the State counts with in order to develop them. The search for an active level of investments to increase the economic growth could be connected to the movements in the monetary control. The search for a fiscal equilibrium and a higher level of social investment would be the responsibility of the fiscal policy. Although, ultimately, in the wide macroeconomic framework, these variables always would be related to stimulate the growth of the country’s economy.





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